Senior Care News

Why is Personal Care at Home Important?

If your senior loved one has a harder time taking care of themselves, consider hiring personal care at home to help with their needs.
Benefits: Personal Care Home Chandler AZ
Benefits: Personal Care Home Chandler AZ

Personal care at home covers the realm of grooming, hygiene, and toileting tasks you do each day. If your dad has a harder time taking care of himself, your first step must be to ensure he has the help he needs.

Every day, there are things your dad needs to do. He gets up, brushes his teeth, takes a shower or washes up, shaves, applies products like skin cream and deodorant, and gets dressed. He needs to know when to use the toilet to avoid accidents and clean up after himself. If he cannot do everything for himself, it’s time to arrange to have personal care at home provider help him out.

Oral Care Prevents Health Issues

If your dad isn’t brushing and flossing his teeth regularly, the risk of cavities and gum disease is higher. Gum disease can be a major problem as it can lead to tooth loss and infection. Without enough teeth, your dad will have a hard time eating the foods his body needs, and that can lead to malnutrition.

Hygiene Is Important for Infection Control

Infections are a higher risk when the skin isn’t clean and dried correctly. Bacterial infections are a risk if germs are on your dad’s unwashed skin. Dry, cracked skin is more likely to develop an infection. Your dad doesn’t need an infection, as infections in older adults can be harder to overcome.

Fungal infections are also a risk. Damp skin in areas between the toes and in folds like under the abdomen can develop fungal infections. Those fungal infections cause discomfort and can also increase the risk of infection if your dad scratches the area a lot and causes abrasions.

Candidiasis is one of the most common fungal infections in older adults. People with diabetes or who are overweight have a higher risk. Fever, chills, and even sepsis are possible, skincare is essential to lower the chances of developing this type of fungal infection.

Proper Hygiene Stops Odors

Your dad needs to be social. If he’s not showering enough or cleaning up properly after using the toilet, no one will enjoy spending time with him. It’s hard to be around someone who smells of sweat, urine, or yeast. It’s also embarrassing for your dad to have body odor.

Nail Care Protects Against Cuts and Foot Pain

When toenails aren’t trimmed regularly, they can get too long and cut into other toes. Shoes will not fit comfortably, and that foot pain can cause mobility issues.

When long toenails impact mobility, it snowballs into bigger issues. Your dad may stop exercising because it hurts too much to walk and that further impacts his health.

Personal care at home is a vital service when it comes to protecting your dad’s health and independence. Caregivers can help your dad with his grooming and hygiene tasks in ways that don’t make him feel ashamed or embarrassed that he needs the help. Reach out to a personal care at home expert to learn more.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Personal Care at Home in Chandler, AZ, or anywhere in the East Valley, please contact the caring staff at Legacy Home Care.
Call (480) 777-0070

Jack Coito

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