Senior Care News

Home Health Care in Tempe AZ: Spotting Issues with Your Senior

Spotting Issues with Your Elderly Loved One

Home Health Care in Tempe AZ: One of the most common issues that are seen in the elderly is short-term memory loss. This is a sign that they may be aging or it could be a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

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Elder Care in Chandler AZ: Senior Dehydration

Symptoms of Dehydration in Elderly Adults

Elder Care in Chandler AZ: Did you notice something different about your elderly loved one? Are you unsure of what is going on with them? Maybe you suspect they might be dehydrated, but you aren’t quite sure.

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Home Care in Mesa AZ: Heart Disease

What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is a term you may hear often. Doctors may suggest that your older family member takes certain steps to prevent heart disease. You

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Benefits of Laughter

This may seem like a silly question, but a sense of humor and laughing have definite benefits for our minds and our bodies. Some of

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