Senior Care News

Spotting Issues with Your Elderly Loved One

Home Health Care in Tempe AZ: One of the most common issues that are seen in the elderly is short-term memory loss. This is a sign that they may be aging or it could be a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

One of the most common issues that are seen in the elderly is short-term memory loss. This is a sign that they may be aging or it could be a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. With this being said, this is not the only issue that may signal your loved one needs elderly care providers to help take care of them. There are other issues that you might notice, as well.


Home Health Care in Tempe AZ: Spotting Issues with Your Senior
Home Health Care in Tempe AZ: Spotting Issues with Your Senior


Piles of Unpaid Bills

There are many things, as noted, that you might notice your loved one having an issue with. One of those things is seeing piles of unpaid bills lying around your loved one’s home. If this is the case, they need someone to help them manage their paperwork and/or finances. You might want to find an elderly care provider that can assist them with this.


Unorganized House or Disheveled Appearance

Two other issues that you might notice in your elderly loved one are an unorganized house or disheveled appearance. Your elderly loved one might not be taking care of themselves or their homes as well as they should be. Their house may be a mess, with stuff all over the place. They may have piles of clutter sitting around their homes. Your loved one might have their hair a mess or they might not be changing their clothes as often as they should be either.


Increased Falls

Your loved one might be falling more often. One fall generally leads to more falls because elderly adults start fearing they will fall. This may cause them to be off-balance. If you notice that your loved one is falling more often, it might be time to bring elderly care providers in to help take care of them.


Getting Lost

Has your loved one wandered and gotten lost? Do they have a tough time finding their way around familiar places? If so, then it might be time to get others to help you keep an eye on your elderly loved one. Elderly care providers can be there to help out with this.


Excessive Weight Loss

Many elderly adults stop eating as much. They may skip meals or eat unhealthy foods. By skipping meals or not eating as often as they should, they might lose a lot of weight. If this is the case, they need someone around who can help to remind them to eat or to make meals for them. You or elderly care providers can do this for them.

These are some of the issues that you might notice in your elderly loved one. If you do notice these issues, it might be time to bring elderly care providers in to help take care of your loved one.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Tempe, AZ, or anywhere in the East Valley, please contact the caring staff at Legacy Home Care.
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