How to Prevent Falls in the Bathroom

  Did you know that the smallest room in your house can also be the most dangerous? Yes, we’re talking about your bathroom. According to the Center for Disease Control, about 235,000 injuries a year occur as a result of a falling in the bathroom. These injuries are serious enough to send these individuals to […]

How to Prevent Falls in Bathrooms

The majority of falls that occur among senior adults happen while in the bathroom. Allison offers some practical tips to help prevent falls in bathrooms. 

Tips to Avoid Trips – Fall Prevention

  Continuing our topic of  “Fall Prevention.” Firstly, according to the Center for Disease Control, 1 out of every 5 falls results in a serious injury such as fractures and head injuries. It doesn’t matter who we are, anyone can fall. We are more susceptible to falling however, as we grow older. Some factors that influence […]

Fall Prevention Awareness

Allison Scharr begins to discuss the importance of Fall Prevention awareness and training, to help prevent unnecessary falls. Allison is a Care Coordinator and Assisted Living Placement Specialist with Legacy Home Care.  

Don’t Fall for It – Fall Prevention Awareness

“Don’t Fall for It” – Fall Prevention Awareness One of the greatest fears among senior citizens is the fear of falling. Fear of falling leads to lost confidence and increased inactivity. This is not an irrational fear as falling is a primary catalyst for hospital admissions among seniors. Helping seniors reduce their risk of falling […]

Veteran Aid Benefits

Do you wonder if you are eligible for Veterans Aid. Sandy Messer with Long Term Assurance guides us through the various Veterans Aid Benefits, qualification criteria and application process.

Creating a Legacy for Your Parent

A common regret of adult children who have lost their parents is the wish that they had asked and understood more about their own family history. This is particularly true for family caregivers, whose focus on the present is necessitated by the practical concerns of getting through the day. Making time to learn more about […]

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