How to Communicate with People with Dementia or Alzheimer Disease

The holiday season is upon us and families will be gathering together. Chances are that you have someone in your family that may have Dementia or Alzheimer’s. Or maybe it’s been awhile since the Grandkids have seen Grandma or Grandpa and they notice that they are acting different than they use to. or saying things […]

Dementia and Alzheimer’s – What is the Difference?

 Have you noticed some definite changes in a loved one? They are repeating themselves, asking the same questions over and over again. Possibly they are losing weight and are not keeping themselves up like they used to. Maybe they have lost a filter with what they say or exhibit strange or inappropriate behavior. What is the difference […]

Can I Trust That Company? How to find good businesses that serve seniors

  We know that finding and selecting trustworthy, quality companies and services for you or a loved one can be a daunting task. Here are some things to consider, when looking for the right business to meet your needs. To begin, asking friends, family and neighbors is always the best first step in selecting a […]

Unraveling the Mystery – The difference between Home Health and Home Care

  Many people ask what is the difference? Home Health is Medical assistance in your home. If you have been in the hospital, have an injury or a chronic illness and are weak and not quite recovered, Home Health can help while you are transitioning back to a healthier you.  Home Health would be arranged […]

Unraveling the Mystery – The difference between Home Health and Home Care

  Many people ask what is the difference? Home Health is Medical assistance in your home. If you have been in the hospital, have an injury or a chronic illness and are weak and not quite recovered, Home Health can help while you are transitioning back to a healthier you.  Home Health would be arranged […]

Fall Prevention the the Home

Allison Scharr with Legacy Home Care discusses the common dangers and hazards found in home and how to avoid falls.  

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